


The system does little to correct existing disparities, and the graduation rates don’t bode well for a nation struggling with brain drain and hoping to climb out of a drawn-out economic crisis. Reversing the trend may depend on creating inclusive policies that go beyond surface-level reforms, accompanying students throughout their educational trajectory while putting more emphasis on quality and not access alone.“Argentina was historically the country with the most educational and human capital in Latin America … which is what constitutes the real wealth of a nation,” says Marcelo Rabossi, an expert in higher education policy at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires, “But that level has long been falling.”


It can be inferred from the text that___.A.Argentina boast high education qualityB.graduation rate in Argentina is not goodC.access to public universities was limitedD.Latin America nations value education

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The system does little to correct existing disparities, and the graduation rates don’t bode well for a nation struggling with brain drain and hoping to climb out of a drawn-out economic crisis.



Reversing the trend may depend on creating inclusive policies that go beyond surface-levelreforms, accompanying students throughout their educational trajectory while putting more emphasis on quality and not access alone.



“Argentina was historically the country with the most educational and human capital in Latin America … which is what constitutes the real wealth of a nation,” says Marcelo Rabossi, an expert in higher education policy at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, “But that level has long been falling.”

参考译文:“从历史上来看,阿根廷是拉丁美洲拥有最多教育和人力资本的国家……这些才是一个国家真正的财富,” 托卡托蒂特亚大学的高等教育政策专家马塞洛·拉博西说,“但这一水平一直在下降。”


It can be inferred from the text that___.


A. Argentina boast high education quality


B. graduation rate in Argentina is not good


C. access to public universities was limited


D. Latin America nations value education








existing disparities 现有的差距

graduation rates 毕业率

bode well 预示着好兆头

struggling with 挣扎于

brain drain 人才流失

climb out 爬出来

drawn-out 拖长的

economic crisis 经济危机

Reversing the trend 扭转趋势

inclusive adj. 包容性的

go beyond 超出

surface-level 表面水平

reforms v. 改革

accompanying v. 陪伴

throughout prep. 自始至终

trajectory n. 轨迹

emphasis n. 重视、强调

quality n. 质量

access n. 进入

Argentina 阿根廷

historically adv. 历史上

human capital 人力资本

Latin America 拉丁美洲

constitutes v. 构成

falling v. 坠落、下降




‘Merit is a bad word.’ Can inclusion and quality coexist in Argentine higher ed?(“成绩是个坏词。”包容性和教育质量在阿根廷的高等教育系统可以共存么?)



But as details of the law took shape, it quickly became the worst nightmare of pharmaceutical companies. Under the new legislation, known as the IRA, the US government for the first time was given the power to negotiate drug prices for the millions of elderly Americans on Medicare. That change marked a dramatic challenge to drugmakers’ traditional business model—which has long relied on spending heavily on research and development with the assurance they could charge hefty prices for medicines later on.



