
  考研咨询机构有着优质的配套图书资料,为考生提供更多的大纲需求,也可以在教程升级这方面有保障,大纲学习必不可少,如何针对大纲提高教学质量,对于机构来说也是一个很大的考验。需要在系统升级这方面做得更加专业,需要有更加配套的图书资料开发模式,可以使整体开发能力全面提升,获得更好的发展模式,在专业化升级这方面可以有新的发展方向,从而创造更多核心化的发展价值。  一.规划复习方式

财经类 公办 普通本科

安徽财经大学(Anhui University of Finance and Economics)简称“安财”。是安徽省人民政府与中华全国供销合作总社共建高校、国家中西部高校基础能力建设工程建设高校、安徽省重点建设的大学、财经一流学科联盟成员[1],入选数据中国“百校工程”[2]、安徽省高等教育振兴计划“地方特色高水平大学建设项目”。



Anhui University of Finance and Economics

Finance and economics class public ordinary undergraduate course

Anhui University of Finance and Economics is abbreviated as "Ancai". Is the anhui province people's government and the China federation of supply and marketing cooperative construction of colleges and universities, the Midwest state university foundation ability construction of the engineering construction of the university, anhui provincial key construction university, finance and economics class discipline members [1], to be included in the data "best school project" of China [2], the higher education in anhui province revitalization plan "local features high level university construction projects".

The university was founded in May 1959 in Hefei City, Anhui Province, then known as Anhui Finance and Trade College. 1961 moved to Bengbu, Anhui Province. The university has been affiliated with the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperation, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Domestic Trade. In February 2000, the State Council decided that Anhui Finance and Trade College was jointly built by the central government and the local government, and mainly managed by Anhui Provincial Government. In May 2004, Anhui University of Finance and Economics was renamed Anhui University of Finance and Economics with the approval of the Ministry of Education.

As of January 2021, the university has three campuses, namely Jiaotonglu Campus, Longhu West Campus and Longhu East Campus, covering a total area of 928,657.298 square meters [3]. The university has more than 21,000 undergraduate students, more than 2700 postgraduate students and 1,529 teaching and administrative staff, among which nearly 600 are full-time teachers with senior titles. 29 doctoral supervisors


