

这是 一直夫妇 的第 589 篇文章

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今天是考研写作的第三期咯,之前的内容有没有认真复习呢?本次挑选出的三个表达来源于 2019 年和 2018 年真题,为你的作文增光添彩。


hold sb accountable

The main purpose of this “clawback” rule is to hold bankers accountable for harmful risk-taking and to restore public trust in financial institutions.


account 是个词义非常丰富的单词,但派生出的形容词 accountable 却比较单一。作名词时,account 可构成短语 bring / call sb to account,意思是「追究某人的责任」。

  • The people responsible for the accident have never been brought to account.

  • 这宗事故的责任人一直没有被追究责任。

所以 accountable 用来表示 responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them「负有责任的」。常和 to 与 for 两个介词联合使用,前者搭配 sb,后者搭配 sth,即 be accountable to sb for sth「就某事对某人负责」。而如果我们把 be 换成 hold,对应的短语需要变成 hold sb accountable for sth,意思也随之变成「让某人对某事负责」。

这个短语常用于被动语态,从主动变被动后,短语的意思再一次发生变化,A should be held accountable for B 指的是「A 应对 B 负责」。我们在使用这个词组的时候一定要首先搞清楚究竟谁对谁负责。

  • Each child should be held accountable for his or her own behavior.

  • 每个孩子都应对自身行为负责。



  • Given that food directly impacts the health of consumers, the food industries should be held accountable to their customers and receive quality inspection.

  • 由于食物会直接影响消费者健康,食品行业应该对消费者负责并接受质量检测。


Sth is a reminder that…

Britain’s new rule is a reminder to bankers that society has an interest in their performance, not just for the short term but for the long term.


这个句型在外刊中经常用到。reminder 派生自动词 remind,所以词义跟「提醒」有关,指的是「起提醒作用的东西」。Sth is a reminder that… 中,that 引导的是一个同位语从句,解释这项提醒究竟包含什么内容。整句话相当于 Sth reminds sb of…。


  • The pandemic has also accelerated the adoptions of digital payments, telemedicine and industrial automation. It has been a reminder that adversity often forces societies to advance.

  • 疫情也加速了数字支付、远程医疗和工业自动化的采用。这场危机提醒了人们逆境常常迫使社会进步。


如果图表的主题跟我国的贫困人口数量有关,我们可以在第三段这样评论:尽管我国的贫困人口逐年减少,但总量仍然比较庞大,减贫工作需要继续进行。其中, make a well-rounded plan 表示「制定全面计划」。

  • The large population of poor residents is a reminder that our country should proceed with poverty alleviation by making a well-rounded plan.

  • 庞大的贫困人口基数提醒我国需要制定全面计划,继续开展减贫工作。


beef up

Yet as distrust has risen toward all media, people may be starting to beef up their media literacy skills.


这个词组的词义当然是一道阅读理解题目,价值两分。beef sth up 或 beef up sth 是外刊常用词组,虽然有 beef「牛肉」,但却跟牛肉无关,而是指 to make sth bigger, better, more interesting, etc「增强,改善,提高」,在很多情况下,可以替换我们常用的 increase,improve 等等。

  • Both sides are still beefing up their economic strength.

  • 双方仍在增强各自的经济力量。


我们刚才在讲第一个词组 hold sb accountable 时提到了「假冒伪劣商品」这个话题,食品行业应该对消费者负责并接受质量检测,那国家应该怎么做呢?在第三段,我们还可以从国家的角度这样叙述:

  • It’s imperative that our country should beef up consumer protection and impose strict regulations on food production.

  • 我国必须加强对消费者的保护,严格监管食品生产。

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