
  高途考研课程怎么样?选择在这里学习考研课程,是可以实现全学科重点逐个击破的目的的,在高途考研机构内,学生们可以学习政治,英语,数学以及专业课的知识,也可以根据自己的学习情况,找到目前的短板科目,获得专业的辅导,制定适合自己的考研学习计划,这是很多小的考研培训机构并不具备的优势。学生们需要先了解自己学习过程中的问题,才能够逐个的解决这些问题。  对于法硕专业的学生来讲,面对各种各样的法硕考研辅导班,学生们经常会感到困惑不知道应该如何选择?其实在选择法硕考研辅导班的时候要结合实际来进行选择,同样也可以按照辅导班的类型进行选择,考生要结合自己的实际情况来做出选择!


Graduate School of Chongqing Normal University

Chongqing Normal University (CHNU) was founded in 1954 and can trace its history back to Guanlitchuan East Normal School, which was founded in 1906. Located in the historic and cultural city of Chongqing, the university covers an area of 2,804 mu, including the University Town Campus, Shapingba Campus and Beibei Campus. The university is a multi-disciplinary institution of higher learning with a focus on arts and sciences and coordinated development of multi-disciplines. It has three national-level bases, including Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council Chinese Language Education Base, National Key Vocational Education Teacher Training Base of the Ministry of Education, and Hanban Chinese Language International Promotion Teacher Training Base (Chongqing). Chongqing Municipal Training Base for General Primary and Secondary School Teachers, Chongqing Municipal Training Base for Early Childhood Education Teachers, Chongqing Municipal Training Base for Special Education Teachers, China-Germany (Chongqing) Vocational Education Demonstration Base, Chongqing Vocational Education Teacher Training Group, Chongqing Wind Music Teacher Training Base and many other municipal bases. "Chongqing Tourism College", "Chongqing Conservatory of Music", "Chongqing Preschool Normal College", "Chongqing College of Special Education" and "Chongqing School of Journalism" are also established by relying on our school.


