
  在选择考研培训培训班时,一定要根据口碑来选择,作为考研的培训机构,想立足多年,吸引很多学生选择,自然会形成好的口碑。像口碑比较好的考研培训班,同样在教学能力方面也比较强,其他方面也能满足学生在这里通过培训提高成绩,才能在考研时考出高分。  是否做好准备




上海科技大学(ShanghaiTech University,简称上科大、ShanghaiTech)是一所由上海市人民政府与中国科学院共同举办、共同建设,由上海市人民政府主管的全日制普通高等学校,2013年9月30日经教育部批准同意正式建立,2022年2月14日入选第二轮“双一流”建设高校。学校致力于服务国家经济社会发展战略,培养科技创新创业人才,提供科技解决方案及发挥思想库作用,积极投身高等教育改革、参与上海科创中心建设,努力建设一所小规模、高水平、国际化的研究型、创新型大学。





学校按照1:10–1:12的师生比建设一支1000人规模的教授队伍,规划选聘500位常任教授和500位特聘教授。其中,常任教授主要来源于国际著名大学的知名学者和优秀青年学者,实行常任教授制(Tenure System);特聘教授主要来源于中国科学院的优秀科学家以及国内外著名教授,其中包括诺贝尔奖获得者4位、中国科学院院士37位、中国工程院院士5位、美国国家科学院院士10位、美国人文和科学院院士7位、英国皇家学会院士2位。







1. 申请人应当具备以下条件:








2. 限项要求


3. 申请人注意事项

(1) 符合条件的申请人,可按照项目指南要求,与依托单位签订工作合同或者意向性协议,于2023年1月15日以后登录信息系统,在线填写《国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)申请书》(以下简称申请书)。申请人对所提交申请材料的真实性负责。















1. 申请人将个人简历(包括基本信息、学习经历、工作经历、研究领域、代表性成果等)发送至拟应聘的院所联系邮箱,同时抄送、,邮件标题请注明为“优青(海外)+青塔人才”。

2. 学校经验丰富的工作团队将为申请人提供全方位的申报服务。项目申报信息系统请访问:。



ShanghaiTech University calls for application of China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Overseas) for year 2023


University Introduction

Jointly founded by the Shanghai Municipal Government and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2013, ShanghaiTech University joined the elite list of China's World-Class Universities Project on February 14, 2022. ShanghaiTech is committed to tackling China’s challenges in economic and social development with the focus on science and technology, and nurturing the next generation of innovative scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs. ShanghaiTech aspires to be a small-scale, high-level, international university oriented towards research and innovation.

We are looking for motivated individuals who are committed to professional integrity, excellence in teaching and mentoring, scholarship, service, and international recognition. ShanghaiTech pays great attention to faculty’s long-term development, and provides them with competitive start-up packages (including research start-up funds, overseas training programs, and housing). We intend to recruit top scholar and high-level educator to form a young international faculty body. We are also looking for top-notch professionals with rich experience in education management to provide strong administrative support to teaching and research.

Located in the heart of Shanghai Pudong’s Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, ShanghaiTech is a key part of the Zhangjiang Comprehensive National Science Center and forms a research cluster with nearby national scientific facilities and research institutions, such as Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), National Center for Protein Science (Shanghai), Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (CAS), Innovation Academy for Microsatellites (CAS), and Drug Discovery & Development Platform of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (CAS), naturally fostering ShanghaiTech’s connection with industry and investment partners in Zhangjiang.

With a focus on STEM fields, ShanghaiTech has established the following schools (no departments in the school), institutes, one center and one research hospital:

– School of Physical Science and Technology

– School of Life Science and Technology

– School of Information Science and Technology

– School of Entrepreneurship and Management

– School of Creativity and Art

– Institute of Humanities

– School of Biomedical Engineering

– Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies

– iHuman Institute

– Institute of Mathematical Sciences

– Center for Transformative Science

– Institute of Carbon Neutrality

– Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center

ShanghaiTech undertakes the construction and management of the Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center, which is approved by the Shanghai Municipal Government and is affiliated to the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission. The center is planned and constructed according to the standard of tertiary general hospitals. ShanghaiTech is responsible for or participates in the construction of key national facilities such as the Shanghai Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility (SXFEL), the Live Cell Imaging Facility, the Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF), SSRF Phase-II Beamline Project (Nano Spin and Magnetics Beamline, High-Performance Membrane Protein Crystallography Beamline). ShanghaiTech also takes the lead in the planning and construction of Shanghai High repetition rate XFEL and Extreme light facility (SHINE).

ShanghaiTech plans to build a faculty of 1,000 professors for a faculty-student ratio of 1:10 to 1:12, with the appointment of 500 tenure-track professors and 500 distinguished adjunct professors. The tenure-track professors (under the Tenure System) are mainly distinguished scholars and outstanding young talents from prestigious universities worldwide; the distinguished adjunct professors are mainly top scientists from the CAS and renowned professors at home and abroad, including four Nobel Prize winners, 37 CAS academicians, five CAE (Chinese Academy of Engineering) academicians, 10 members of the US National Academy of Sciences, seven members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and two fellows of the Royal Society in UK.

By actively promoting international cooperation, ShanghaiTech has established cooperative relationships with many top universities around the world in student cultivation, scientific research, academic exchange, curriculum sharing, faculty training, etc. At present, ShanghaiTech has established good connections with Cornell, Duke, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Oxford, UC Berkeley, UPenn, Yale, and other well-known universities, and the list of partner universities keeps expanding.


About the Fund

The Excellent Young Scientists Fund (overseas) aims to attract and encourage overseas outstanding young scholars (including those without Chinese citizenship) with good achievements in natural science and engineering technology to return/come to China to work.

The Fund empowers the scientists to conduct innovative research in their chosen fields, promotes the fast growth of young scientific and technological talents, fosters a number of outstanding talents on the international science frontiers, and contributes to the development of China to become a leader in science and technology.



1. The applicants should meet the following qualifications:

(1) Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific integrity, and uphold the spirit of scientists in the new era;

(2) Born after January 1, 1983 (inclusive);

(3) A doctoral degree;

(4) The main research direction is natural science or engineering technology;

(5) After obtaining the doctoral degree, the applicant should have served in formal teaching or research positions in overseas universities, research institutions or R&D departments of enterprises for more than 36 consecutive months before March 15, 2023; the requirement for years of working can be reduced if the applicant has obtained a doctoral degree overseas and made outstanding achievements;

(6) Have obtained scientific research or technological achievements recognized by peer experts, and demonstrated the potential to become academic leaders and outstanding scientists in their fields;

(7) Guarantee of full-time work in China for at least three years during the project implementation for applicants who have not yet returned to work full-time in China, or returned to work in China after January 1, 2022. Applicants should quit their jobs overseas once they receive the funding.

2. Specific requirements for the Fund application:

Applicants shall only apply for or undertake one type of project among the same level of government-sponsored talent plans. Those who have undertaken a project at a higher level may not apply for one at a lower level.

3. Notes for applicants:

(1) Qualified applicants may sign a work contract or an agreement of intent with the supporting institutions (e.g. ShanghaiTech) in accordance with the requirements of the project guide. Please log in to the application system after January 15, 2023, and fill in the online Application Form of the Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Overseas) sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (hereinafter referred as “Application Form”). The applicant is responsible for the authenticity of the submitted application materials.

(2) The applicants shall fill in the Application Form online in simplified Chinese or English according to the instructions, and upload attachments and other materials

(3) The Fund adopts a paperless application method. Applicants shall submit electronic application forms, attachments, impartiality commitment letters, etc. online to the supporting institutions, which will review and submit them online to the NSFC.


Funding and Benefits

Successful applicants will receive a state-funded funding of 1 to 3 million RMB for 3 years. In addition, ShanghaiTech will also offer attractive compensation packages, including:

Compensation and benefits: competitive salary commensurate with experience and academic accomplishments;

Initial research support package: attractive start-up funds and laboratory space to meet research needs;

R&D infrastructure: an extensive array of cutting-edge research facilities;

Student enrollment and training: employed as a doctoral supervisor with guaranteed enrollment of a critical number of graduate students;

Subsidized housing: apartments in or outside the campus available at preferential rent, talent rental subsidies sponsored by Shanghai or Pudong New District;

Talent services: reimbursement of expenses for household relocation and family’s one-way travel, staffing of public institution, Shanghai household registration, comprehensive social insurance, supplementary medical insurance, housing provident fund and supplementary provident fund;

Family assistance: support with children’s education, recommendations to affiliated kindergarten, primary and middle schools.


To apply

1. Applicants should submit their resumes (including basic personal information, education and work experience, research fields, representative achievements, etc.) to the contact email address of the intended school/institute/center and cc Please indicate the subject of the email as Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Overseas).

2. Our staff team will provide comprehensive application services for applicants. Please visit for the application system.


ShanghaiTech official website:




