
  (2)口碑 师资  报名考研培训班肯定是需要付费的,而且一般都需要不少的费用,对于暂时没有经济来源的同学们来说,大家压力也比较大,因为这笔费用很大一部分是由父母来出的,如果没有考研成功,大家会觉得这笔钱白付出了,所以大家在选择机构的时候都会斟酌一下这个费用。其实同学们也不必有太多的压力,每一个机构都是需要付费的,而且费用的付出肯定是有回报的,比如说大家可以得到优秀老师的指点,找到更适合的备考环境,所以大家在选择的时候也不能过于贪图便宜,要找一家收费比较合理的机构。例如高途考研,各项学科的收费模式还相对比较科学,性价比更高一些。


The Graduate School of Jilin University, founded in June 1984, is one of the first pilot graduate schools of 22 key universities in China approved by the State Council. The graduate education of Jilin University started earlier. It began to enroll graduate students in 1949, three-year graduate students in 1952, and degree graduate students in 1978. In October 1985, with the approval of the State Council, Jilin University became one of the first units to establish a post-doctoral research station. In March 1996, with the approval of the former State Education Commission, it became one of the first graduate schools to be officially established. The graduate education is more complete, covering 12 disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science and management science.


