
  因为有了视频课现在有很多名师的课程,如果没有视频课考生是上不到这些名师的课程的,若是没有视频课,考生们只能花很多钱去辅导班,而且辅导班的教师也是参差不起的,但是视频课可以是名师录好的视频课,学生购买这类课程相对于花很少的学费享受名师待遇,考研视频培训课相对来说要比线下面授课公平很多。  对于考研的同学来说,报读一家考研辅导机构是提高成绩的最佳途径之一。但是要选择一家好的考研辅导机构并不是一件容易的事情,更不用说要选对一个好的考研辅导班了。报读一个考研辅导班,要考虑的因素有很多,例如该选择怎样的辅导机构,选择哪些授课老师,哪些老师讲课的风格适合自己,考研辅导收费如何……以上这些都是必须要考虑的问题。今天我们来聊聊考研辅导收费的问题。大家都知道考研报读辅导班,收费是很昂贵的,特别是一些名气大的辅导机构请名师来上课,收费更是昂贵。因此,报读辅导班,收费是必须要考虑的问题。我以过来人的身份和经验告诉大家,90%的人不知道的辅导班收费省钱秘密。

综合类 公办 普通本科

上海师范大学(Shanghai Normal University),简称上海师大,坐落于上海市,是一所以文科见长并具教师教育特色的文、理、工、艺学科协调发展的综合性大学,是上海市教育综合改革部市共同支持高校、上海市重点建设大学、上海市高水平地方高校(学科)建设试点单位。



Shanghai Normal University

Comprehensive public general undergraduate course

Shanghai Normal University (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Normal University) is located in Shanghai City. It is a comprehensive University with the coordinated development of liberal arts, science, engineering and art with the characteristics of teacher education and good proficiency in liberal arts. It is a university jointly supported by the Ministry of Education Reform of Shanghai Municipality, a key construction university of Shanghai Municipality, and a pilot unit for the construction of high-level local colleges and universities (disciplines) in Shanghai Municipality.

The university was founded on July 5, 1954, and became an undergraduate university in 1956. In October 1994, Shanghai Normal University merged with Shanghai Technical Normal University to form the new Shanghai Normal University. There are two campuses in Xuhui and Fengxian. [1]

School to be included in the national "111 project", the national construction high-level university professional graduate program, the national "special project" key disciplines, the national liberal arts foundation course personnel training and scientific research base, the Ministry of Education humanities and social science research base, the Ministry of Education teacher training plan implementation of colleges and universities, "the plan" culture, the national college students' innovative entrepreneurial training plan, the state New engineering research and practice of project level, the Chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in China, the State Council overseas Chinese education base, the Shanghai foreign students prep base, Shanghai excellent news dissemination talent training base, the first batch of deepening the reform of creative education demonstration of colleges and universities in Shanghai, for Shanghai university alliance member, Chinese universities innovation entrepreneurship education union director unit.


