
  决定考研后的第1步就是择校择校,一般是通过到各个学校官网去搜寻往年录取分数线,然后进行选择再选择学校之后,我们才可以进行考研复习。对于2023年准备考研的同学来讲,可以关注一下2023年的考研网课免费。那么我们先来谈一谈怎么择校。  当然,考研英语培训除了选择合适的培训班外,还要多做真题,根据自己薄弱的题型多练习。例如单词要多背诵,要了解清楚哪些单词是高频中频低频和重要的单词,如果是在长难句语法方面,就要重视文章的内容,在做题之前要有思路,要读懂文章,要把文章中所有不会的单词、短语、长难句语法吃透,这样做才会得到更好的效果。以上是本人在考研过程中总结过来的经验,希望对大家有帮助。


The Graduate School of Jilin University, founded in June 1984, is one of the first pilot graduate schools of 22 key universities in China approved by the State Council. The graduate education of Jilin University started earlier. It began to enroll graduate students in 1949, three-year graduate students in 1952, and degree graduate students in 1978. In October 1985, with the approval of the State Council, Jilin University became one of the first units to establish a post-doctoral research station. In March 1996, with the approval of the former State Education Commission, it became one of the first graduate schools to be officially established. The graduate education is more complete, covering 12 disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science and management science.


