


In the first picture, a boy and a girl are planting trees together, contributing their humble share to preserve the eco-system from an early age. And we see a green city without smog in the next picture, where high-rise buildings peek out from thick branches. These scenes are really encouraging.

The invaluable lesson we can draw from the pictures above is that we can improve the air quality we breathe everyday by taking concrete steps to advance the Green City movement. There is no arguing that smog is a problem that we can no longer ignore. But the question is how to fight it and what to do now. Instead of merely tracking smog indicators and complaining about PM2.5 levels on social media, we can make a difference collectively by doing simple things in our daily lives, such as making environmental-friendly choices while shopping and opting for public transportation when travelling. Smog is not built in a day and cannot be attributed to a single factor, so the process to get rid of it would also take time and require persistent efforts from both the public and the government.

It may seem no account whether one person maintain a sustainable lifestyle, but we can gather support from all walks of life and create the synergy, then it will be only a matter of time that smog becomes a rare occurrence and is gradually forgotten as a dated concept.






As is shown above, in the middle of the picture and on the abacus sits a foreign friend praising the Chinese culture, with many Chinese cultural elements being in front of him, such as peking opera, lantern, New Year painting, paper cutting, fircracker and the like. Funny and interesting as the cartoon is, the symbolic meaning behind it deserves our attention and discussion.

It is not hard to notice that Chinese traditional culture is enjoying the wide popularity around the world these days, as the picture demonstrated. This is a positive trend. For one thing, when strange or different elements come together, people will have fresh perspectives and divergent ways of thinking. They inevitably give birth to inventiveness, which will offer possible answers to current issues facing us. For another thing, time was when western people had the deep misunderstanding of our tradition and culture due to lack of communication, which will widen the gap between the east and the west. Now, the cultural exchange and integration will cultivate mutual respect and tighten potential friendly ties between two culture with totally different origins.

Meanwhile, we should enhance our own traditional culture and promote diveristied cultures among the public, especially among youngsters. The understanding of our own culture and the diversity of different cultures will help those young people produce breakthoughs positively reshaping our life.






